This is kind of a funky bottle. It has a curvy and sensual bottle shape ("stop saying sensual"). The difference in shape only makes it an 11.5 oz. bottle instead of the typical 12 oz. The label is very fancy and colorful. I think they are trying for the old 50's style writing and advertising to give it an old fountain shop look. Lots of browns and tans, cream colors, etc. The A&W label is prominently displayed on what appears to be a sign you would see outside an old diner on the side of the road. This label definitely catches the eye, and i am sure most of you have seen this in grocery stores before because it almost jumps out at you.
I'll be honest... i don't really like this stuff. It's not bad, but it doesn't really taste like root beer at all. All i can taste is a pina colada. Weird, i know. And it's sweet. In fact, it's too sweet. Plus it is completely uncarbonated. It's almost like drinking a pina colada Sobe. There is a lot of text on the bottle, mostly the nutritional facts. There is a lot that goes into this thing, and it's not surprising that it only has a shelf life of 6 months. In other words, this is basically a step away from the "all natural" selection of root beers i just reviewed. Not sure what is in it that makes me think it's a pina colada, which is fine cuz i like pina coladas, just not in my root beer. Maybe it's the cream they use. Hmmm...
My official review is that A&W Float gets 4 (four) IBCs. It's not at all what i expected, and i am kind of disappointed that i let it slide through to be classified as a "root beer". Technically, i think it would probably be more of a cream soda, which is what held me back from reviewing it in the first place. The girl at the register of the Pop Shop said she really likes the Sunkist Float a lot better than this one. So maybe i would suggest you get your hands on one of those instead, or even better, on an ice-cold, delicious, never disappointing IBC.
Addendum: *sigh*... i hate that i even have to try and defend myself on this seeing as i assumed it was amply explained in the body of the post, but i have recently come under fire regarding my decisions about what to classify as a root beer. Here is a quick list of guidelines i follow when choosing root beers to review:
1) It's my blog and i'm a freaking expert. That's why you come to my blog.
i told you it was a quick list.
Here's what you need to know... i review root beers. If it's on my blog, i have classified it as a root beer. The historical similarities between root beer and sarsaparilla? What, did you go to root beer college or something? You think my readers care about that kind of trivial nonsense when they're just looking for a decent root beer? Really? These people are sheep, and i am merely the shepherd directing them toward great taste and away from anything made by a hippie.
Look, i can see how this can get very lengthy. All i will say is that after months of deliberation i decided to let this one slide through because it carries the A&W name and those who drink it are made to believe it is made with A&W root beer (see floats.com). We all know there are many ways to flavor a root beer (including using sarsaparilla), but if you call it a sarsaparilla, then to me it's not a root beer anymore (i have a pie chart that proves it). If there were no difference between the two drinks, i wouldn't like AJ Stephen's Root Beer and hate AJ Stephen's Sarsaparilla. And anyone who names their soda Hosmer Mountain Sarsaparilla Root Beer is clearly retarded. Stop trying to confuse people. Just pick one. (But just so you know, i would probably still review it).
And for the record, my name is Jonathan.
Thank you for responding to my comment and request, I expected it.
But you knew that.
Wow jon,
You have A fan. I think you should do whatever said fan wants so as to not loose your "base", thus causing your infantile blog to crumble and fall like a castle constructed from the poofy cheetos with no mortar, under attack from an army of overweight to slightly obese children that have been starved for two weeks. I love you.
curious indeed... so if it has the word "root beer" on it and is a beverage you will review it but not something that is historically the same as root beer?
root beer vodka - IN
spruce beer - OUT
Health Valley Sarsaparilla Root Beer - IN
Hosmer Mountain Sarsaparilla Root Beer - IN
Hosmer Mountain Sarsaparilla - OUT
well, i you have to draw the line somewhere i suppose, the no diet seems more defensible. your call though. but you may lose your one fan. especially now that she knows your name is Jon and not Cosmo. very interesting...
Cosmo and Jon,
Hmmmm... so far it's 3-Fan base, 0-Cosmo.
And now you know at least 3 people read your blog. This is good research. Thanks to me. You're welcome.
The Sunkist Float is by far one of my favorite drinks, just so expensive :( Hard to beat the tast of a good 'ole brickty/brickty bar!
You're not under fire by your fan base. I simply asked a question and got it answered. If you don't review sarsaparillas then you don't. Your choice, as you pointed out.
And your blog will continue to come to ME. Thanks to google-reader.
yours truly
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