The bottle in the picture is actually a 3 liter bottle. I'm not sure what my wife paid for it, but i am assuming it was around a dollar, which makes this root beer a pretty good buy. The label is a little drab. Not as patriotic as i would hope. Not even an American flag on it. That's probably those silly Canadians' doing. But it's called "Stars & Stripes" for crying out loud. You'd think they would stick a picture of Old Glory on there somewhere. Instead it has a brown, wooden background that i assume is supposed to represent a root beer barrel, but looks more to me like a table top or a church door or something. Then there's the blue and white logo of the brand name, followed by a rather large decal saying something about Hoover's Barrel Root Beer. Now, i don't know who Hoover is (unless we're talking about our former US President, but i doubt it) and i don't know how he got his name to be attached to this root beer, but all i have to say is this: knock it off. Does this root beer have two names? What's going on? It's just confusing. One of them needs to be eliminated (and my sights are set on taking out Hoover).
For a generic root beer, this one is pretty good. It's very sweet, has good carbonation, and a rich root beer flavor. I hate to keep comparing root beers to A&W, but i gotta say that's the one i think it tastes most similar to. However, it still has a distinct taste that is very un-A&W-ish (man, i'm good with words). I told my wife last night that i think it tastes (and smells) like pancakes and syrup. She had a drink and said she could see where i came up with that. So my assignment to you is to get your hands on some of this and try and let me know if it tastes like pancakes and syrup to you as well. Maybe i'm just crazy. Maybe i've lost all reasonable tasting ability and should no longer be relied upon for accurate root beer judgement (although, we all know that's completely ridiculous). Regardless, give it a shot and send me a comment. I'd be interested to hear what you think, even though it will hold absolutely no sway on my final judgement. I mean, come on... who's the expert here?
My official review is that Stars & Stripes gets 7 (seven) IBCs. It's a good root beer, and the fact that it's inexpensive can only help. Most generic or store brand root beers are either way too sweet or really watery and don't make much of an impression, but i gotta say, S&S does well to taste like a reasonably good root beer. Give it a shot, regardless of what month it is. It's your civic duty, like voting and jury duty and openly mocking British people. So enjoy.
During these tough economic times and never getting a raise at my job I been forced lately to shop more at dollar stores ie Dollar Tree. I always loved root beer! My personal favorites are the king of root beers IBC and Barqs. However I had a taste a root beer so at the store I decided to give this a try since its just 1.00. I agree with you. It taste better then Big K brand and other off brand root beers. It is very foamy and not too watered down. It cures your root beer fix pretty good!
This isn't the best off brand root beer. It tastes worst than the other off brand root beer.
I was in the Dollar Tree getting 4th of July items and grabbed a 3 liter of Stars & Stripes root beer. I really like the taste and the aroma is good as well. I like the way it forms up when poured into a glass. I went through the 3 liter in a couple of days and went to another dollar store but they did not carry Stars & Stripes. I bought a 2 liter of their generic brand and it was terrible compared to Stars & Stripes. I went back to the Dollar Tree and grabbed a couple more 3 liters. In my opinion this is a very good root beer, especially at $1 for 3 liters.
I fully agree, I think it tastes so much worse than faygo root beer, faygo is actually drinkable
I bought a syrup in a bag version of Barq's, and I think this tastes similar to that. I was really impressed with how good this was, given you get a gigantic bottle of it for about a dollar. It should be much worse given how much you pay for it. I got my most recent one in Show Low, but my first was from a store in Phoenix.
I initially planned to try every root beer I could find to determine which was the best, but the enthusiasm for that wore off after a few years. Most that were off brands tasted that way, but this was one of the few that was impressive. It might have been because it was summer in Phoenix the first time, except it's freezing in my house right now, and I still like it.
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